Tanjung Barat Station i Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

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IndonesienTanjung Barat Station


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Jalan Raya Lenteng Agung No.40, RT.4/RW.1, Lenteng Agung, Jagakarsa, Lenteng Agung, Jagakarsa, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12630, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62
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Latitude: -6.3078481, Longitude: 106.838833

kommentar 5

  • surya sunBRN

    surya sunBRN


    Small station, 2 main gate. They build an Apartment at the parking lot, so cannot park ur car until the building done 1.5 year ahead.




    Small train station, limited area. Roti 'O is the only restaurant/bakery available. Alfamart is available here. Good place for taking a jogging or cardio, you shall be sweating for reaching this place

  • Sony Setiawan

    Sony Setiawan


    Easy to reach, closest commuter station from Jl TB Simatupang

  • Rie Lowest

    Rie Lowest


    Tanjung Barat Station is the Commuter train station and as a Transit station for the Jakarta-Bogor and Jatinegara-Bogor travel routes. The station, which opened on August 17, 1947, was one of the transit stations that was busy enough to drive down and raise passengers before they continued traveling with other public transportation around the station. Like other commuter stations PT. KAI has made improvements to the Tanjung Barat station facilities including the Commuter passenger's tranquility by building the JPO-Human Crossing Bridge on the left and right sides of the station. Making JPO is expected to improve the security of Commuter rail service users at Tanjung Barat station when going in and out of the Station and intended to reduce traffic congestion around the station. However good intentions will not be achieved if the arrangements and management around the Tanjung Barat station which is the responsibility of the city government where the Tanjung Barat station is located can not be implemented maximally. The existence of Tanjung Barat Station and its busy activities as a transit station creates its own attraction for other public transportation service providers. Certainly jams often occur during rush hours around this station. Expectations to widen the road on the left and right sides of the station are crucial to make the user activities of public facilities that pass through Tanjung Barat Station is not disturbed. The need to create a special Wait area for other transport service providers not far from the station and make the user access Commuter train service is also not difficult to use or continue the trip with Commuter train (DropOff and PickUp Area). Public facilities are built for the benefit and justice of the wider community not just for some people.

  • Yulia Rahmawati

    Yulia Rahmawati


    A big station with very wide parking area. Most people park their own vehicle here and then go to work with commuter line train. Unfortunately, the bridge is only provided for station used so it is only half way, not till across the street.

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