Gambir Train Station i Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

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IndonesienGambir Train Station


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Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur No.1, RT.2/RW.1, Gambir, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10110, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62
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Latitude: -6.1767707, Longitude: 106.8306416

kommentar 5

  • Fahry Abdul Fanny

    Fahry Abdul Fanny


    A huge and well managed train station. But I think it’s better to renew the lighting system there especially in the underground lounge because it’s a little too dim

  • Arne Trautmann

    Arne Trautmann


    It is a train station, but a well functioning one, which is not self evident in Indonesia. There are shops and lots of food can be bought. Tickets can be bought on the stand or on ticket machines. All is well functioning. A nice experience.

  • Reza Setyawan

    Reza Setyawan


    Clean, friendly crew and good system of passangers. KAI has been doing a great job to make over all stations and system.

  • en

    Edo Hitoki


    Ticket changes queue took me 2 hours almost 3 hours and just opened 2 counters, while the "Go Show" counter more idle. For the service of the BUMN class like this needs to be more improved. Better ticket service even on the night bus/private company with more more faster service with less assets.

  • anjar kusuma

    anjar kusuma


    It's usually crowded here, no wonder, this is one of the biggest train station in Indonesia. Here you will see clean, neat and big place. You also can buy many snacks and meals here to accompany your wait for your trip. Many on site staff here, so don't afraid to not get info about your train and they are so welcome to help you.

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