Kebayoran Station i Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienKebayoran Station


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Jalan Mesjid Al Huda No.12, Kebayoran Lama Utara, Kebayoran Lama, Kby. Lama Utara, Kby. Lama, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12220, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62
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Latitude: -6.2372315, Longitude: 106.7825325

kommentar 5

  • en

    Harry Koswanto


    Well, I you are commuting on busy hours, then expect the station to be packed. Just like this. This station is the hub for commuters to Tanah Abang - Parung Panjang, Maja, Serpong, and Rangkas Bitung. I wonder where the toilet though. The toilet points the same place as the mushala, but I could not find it on the vicinity. A typo maybe?

  • Atika muliyandari

    Atika muliyandari


    Clean & huge train Stastion, the road to this station is too small. At night you could buy vegetables near this station (traditional market). You have to walk to the main road if you will ride taxi.

  • Festiaji N. Irawanto

    Festiaji N. Irawanto


    Favorite public transportation for Kebayoran Lama people. The location is in Pasar Kebayoran Lama. Have excellent service for PT. KAI Crew. Excellent service for cleaning service that makes this station always clean. Have large parking for motorcycle and cars. We can find minimarket/bakery shop in this station

  • Agustinus Budiyanto

    Agustinus Budiyanto


    The stations already upgraded. With spacious waiting area and platforms. Unfortunately, the stations is located next to traditional market. You can smell the 'aroma'. The access will be crowded during the day, also the pathway is so narrow.

  • Choirun Nisa

    Choirun Nisa


    Great prayer rooms. Good toilets. If the night comes, there is a few cleaning service and almost none, so sometimes it's stink and the water run out. Maybe the station can make shift for day and night so the toilets stay clean anytime

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