favehotel Premier Cihampelas i Jawa Barat

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Indonesienfavehotel Premier Cihampelas



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Premier Plaza, Jalan Cihampelas No. 129, Cipaganti, Coblong, Cipaganti, Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40131, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 22 2030300
internet side: www.favehotels.com
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Latitude: -6.896157, Longitude: 107.603445

kommentar 5

  • Novel Matindas

    Novel Matindas


    Strategic location but Poor service. There was no standby bell-boy in front of the door. We must carried out the luggages ourselves. The breakfast also disappointed. Beside the taste which plain, the service also not satisfied.

  • Julian Sutisnawinata

    Julian Sutisnawinata


    Great for family vacation and weekend getaway. Very strategic, smack dab in the heart of Cihampelas street.

  • Nurwachid Putrayana

    Nurwachid Putrayana


    The smart hotel with the unique interior. The facilities like spa, swimming pool, and restaurant are available in this hotel. This hotel also provides drug store in the lobby level. The hotel must increase related to the taste of breakfast menu.

  • en

    Devi HadianSari2


    not a recommended hotel. Please remove 'the Premier' from the hotel names. because what im going to tell is really far from a premier class hotel. i have request to have a double bed for 3 booked rooms via Archipelago app online booking . when check in on D day, they inform that only 1 room has double bed & 2 rooms will have twin bed. i insist to have double bed in 3 rooms even we will be in separate floor, because we have toddlers which can not use twin bed. The front office staff agree. they told me that 1 rooms will be ready in 40 minutes. Actually, it was more than that, but less than 1 hour. finally, we got 2089, 3023, 3029. When i check the bed in all 3 booked rooms, in 2 rooms (3023 & 3029) - the bed was actually a twin bed, but they set it so it seems like double bed, they even use a double bed sheet. This is really disappointing. i dont know actually whether this is normal in other rooms or not. Then around 9-10 pm, in room 2089, we can smell something burning, so at night we have to move into another rooms, which means we must packed everything and move it to new rooms. During check out, the front office staff didnt tell us that the check out has been finished, so we still waiting and ask them first to find it out. Start from check in & check out, we are really disappoint with the service from front office staff. will not back to this hotel for sure.

  • ad lina

    ad lina


    Nice stay at the hotel. Good swimming pool for adult and kids. My husband lost his handphone at the lobby. Manage to find once we make report at the reception. Thank you to the staff who found it. Youve done a great job! Thank you team.

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