Novotel Bandung i Jawa Barat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienNovotel Bandung


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23-25, Jalan Cihampelas, 40171, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 22 4211001
internet side:
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Latitude: -6.9050894, Longitude: 107.6037505

kommentar 5

  • Erwin Ruly Setiawan

    Erwin Ruly Setiawan


    Comfort and enjoyable hotel. Convenient enough for travelers with family / children. Or even for business purpose. Always high occupancy on weekend.

  • Tomi Taladin

    Tomi Taladin


    Great hotel for the location and room facility. Bath tub at that price is amazing. Location is easy to find, although transport is required to get around, nothing in convenient walking distance.

  • en

    Janeeta Fadzila


    I visited the Hotel for Business trip. This hotel near from the train station, if you are not bring a car to Bandung and go to Bandung by train, it is a good choose for you. The room hotel is good but I think the bathroom is so big for that room😅. For the breakfast is good with a many variant of breakfast. The Hotel have a rent for bikes too.

  • en

    sri muliani


    Clean rooms and comfortable beds. Sound proofing is also nice. The downsides are its small pool and limited gym function. Also the bathroom has a bad drainage.. Dont know if it was just my room or not. But overall i would recommend this hotel for a short stay in Bandung

  • Monika Ardine

    Monika Ardine


    Excellent place to stay while in Bandung. Super comfortable and spacious room. Service and facilities are outstanding. You can enjoy Bandung city view clearly. Since it's located downtown, it's easier to reach city attractions, from shopping to culinary things. (-) : located on a one way street, need a little bit effort to reach it & the way the they manage only one lane to enter and exit is quite inconvenience.

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