Stasiun Kiaracondong i Jawa Barat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienStasiun Kiaracondong


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JL. Jembatan Opat, Kebonjayanti, 40284 Bandung, Indonesia, 40274, Kebun Jayanti, Kiaracondong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62
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Latitude: -6.924956, Longitude: 107.6463016

kommentar 5

  • Rifki Handayani

    Rifki Handayani


    Pasar senen - Kircon.

  • Ryan Sudaryana

    Ryan Sudaryana


    Well developed train station... 20 years ago this station full of rubbish and pickpocket but now it's become a very comfort place

  • Yoghi Kurniawan Pratama

    Yoghi Kurniawan Pratama


    a very busy train station but good services from staff & announcer, joyfull place before trip in Bandung City.

  • Arman Bennington

    Arman Bennington


    The train station was small, most departure are for economy class with some of it have some business class. small space for non boarding waiting room. like just space for waiting to buy a ticket. the boarding waiting room is quite big and clean. have non smoking and smoking area, clean restroom and quite big prayers room.

  • A Glenn

    A Glenn


    This train station is the terminus of several economy class train from East and Central Java in Bandung. For another facts, this station also provide some stops for several executive and business class train to Central and East Java such as Lodaya and Mutiara Selatan. The station area is quite huge and separated between north and south building, connected with several corridors. The north building provides service for passengers of long-distance trains while the south building for the local trains. The parking lots are many and the station itself is cozy. You will find many seats here while waiting for the train. The public transportation is easily reached here by going under the flyover.

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