Bandung Station i Jawa Barat

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IndonesienBandung Station


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Jalan Stasiun Barat, 40181, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62
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Latitude: -6.9146557, Longitude: 107.6024422

kommentar 5

  • Dewi Kusnadi

    Dewi Kusnadi


    Going back to GAMBIR after meeting at this station's Maxx Coffee. Hungry so go for Roti 'O. Lucky got eco train, aircon included = IDR 80,000.

  • Afis Herman Reza Devara

    Afis Herman Reza Devara


    In the waiting area, there is no depatures board so listen carefully which lane your train will depart, you might have to in and out train since there is no underpass/overpass to reach your train. Overall this station has vintage and classic design and one of the oldest train station in Indonesia.

  • Gerry Rachman

    Gerry Rachman


    The old station good but it's not enough to contain the passenger. We'll hope to add the new space. Location it was very good and central the Bandung Area. Toilet, other facilities complete

  • Radja Sitanggang

    Radja Sitanggang


    Bandung station, like other major railway stations has supporting facilities and infrastructure for train operation. It has a passenger coach warehouse (west side of the station), locomotive warehouse (northwestern side of the station), turntable (western side of the station), reservation ticket building (northern station) and cargo area (southern part). Overall, Good services, friendly and helpful staff, very clean all public areas.

  • adri mahardhika

    adri mahardhika


    Changing platform is difficult here, we have to hop on train to trains to reach our desired platform. Not enough visual information only audio from speaker which doesn't sounds so clear. But the lounge (north lounge) is good and comfortable. Just wait for another improvements.

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