The Studio i Bali

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienThe Studio


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No. 11, Gang Nuansa, 80361, Kota Denpasar, Bali, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 361 738099
internet side:
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Latitude: -8.686631, Longitude: 115.177152

kommentar 5

  • Josh Lumban

    Josh Lumban


    Cheap and nice studio hotel

  • Lucas Handybiantoro

    Lucas Handybiantoro


    all facilities are never maintained, the air conditioning is broken, the balcony doors cannot be locked, the toilet keeps flooding, cannot flush properly. first impression, the place looks alright for the cheap price we paid. first night, smelly duvet and pillow. second day, toilet cannot flush and bathroom flooded. second night, huge rain and the roof of the whole room was leaking, there is no initiative from the staffs to change our room. third day, in the morning it was a big flood on the street that the car cannot even pass nor we can walk out of our room. by the end of the day, when we returned to the hotel, we found that our room was not cleaned at all, so we asked for a new room and they gave us one (a dirty one) they said the new room was already cleaned, however we found the floor and the bed is so dirty, and there was a cigarette bud on the sink, so we asked them to clean everything very late in the evening with our supervision. conclusion, never stay in this place again.

  • Simeon Wilequet

    Simeon Wilequet


    Great price/quality location. Everything was fine except for a rude and annoying drunk Aussi that lived next door. But he will return to his cave pretty soon I guess ;)

  • en

    Kiki Soepono


    A pretty nice hidden place to stay while in Seminyak. Pretty quiet and surrounded with garden and greenery. Cleanliness coulb be better though...

  • Syelly Tuhumury

    Syelly Tuhumury


    I stayed in Budget Villa room type. Beautiful place, clean room, price is reasonable and I got more than I expected. I got good quality sleep, there is mini living room, AC, TV, audio system, mini dining room, kitchen, big bathroom, safety deposit box, complete amenities, balcony and porch. Laundry service also have reasonable price. Great view, strategic location but serene. Highly recommended and definitely will come again.

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