The Jakarta Barbershop i Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienThe Jakarta Barbershop



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Menteng Square Apartment Tower A, AR 07, Jalan Matraman Raya No.30E, RT.5/RW.6, Kenari, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10310, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 812-8691-9813
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -6.201255, Longitude: 106.85133

kommentar 5

  • Edisan Supriyadi

    Edisan Supriyadi


    Great service! I love my new haircut, thanks to the Jakarta Barbershop which offers great look with affordable price. When you visit the barbershop, enter the the store in the first floor, then go upstairs! It's nicely located in the second floor. Update: today on May 13, 2018 I visit the barbershop again & handled by Kang Acep who's very friendly. I would surely recommend him for your next visit!

  • Farah Dina

    Farah Dina


    Experienced a (finally) good barber visit today (14/04/18), my bf was all grumpy when we got here (he just got a bad haircut—according to him). This barbershop is located in menteng square apartment, you need to enter the apartment complex first and make a few turns here and there. The barbers are all friendly, and the service is good too (seeing how differently my bf’s mood—turned a whole 180 degrees better). Recommended this, thanks for putting a smile on my bf’s face :)

  • yoyji samasaki

    yoyji samasaki


    im used to high quality oldschool barbershops in the jakarta this is actually one of the best. service + haircut ++ the only downside is that the AC is malfunctioning so it was quite warm! hope this will be fixed soon, i will be back soonanyhow😁

  • M Ryan

    M Ryan


    Mas acep is so good! Cutting with passion and art. Thank u mas acep. Kapan2 kalo ke jkt lg pasti ke tmpt mas.

  • en

    ahmed jood


    I get there 12:10pm still it was locked from inside and it's not visible from outside, that was other shop and barber shop in first floor, there was no price list they take randomly 100,000 for haircut, but hair wash still hair on Nack, person was good respectful, that's why I give 4star,

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