Taman Wisata Wendit i Jawa Timur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienTaman Wisata Wendit



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Jalan Raya Wendit Timur, 65154, Malang, Jawa Timur, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62
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Latitude: -7.9527463, Longitude: 112.6739848

kommentar 5

  • en

    didan bright


    So many monkeys here. please becarefull with your food. Don't bring peanut!!. many monkeys will robe you!😆

  • en

    jmy Quatro


    Make easier to use this maps, I hope more quality and details for information about my visiting, thanks

  • witrul 15

    witrul 15


    Very interesting. Of you wanna see monkey. You cantik visiting this place. Caused this place is a place where monkey stay wild.

  • Sri Rahayu

    Sri Rahayu


    Have a great potential but, I don't understand why this place looks so dated, unmaintained. Better to visit in the weekend where most of spots ready for visitors. Beware of the monkeys, its a good idea to not show any kind of foods near to them or it will stolen - some of the monkeys are not friendly. There are also a spot "Boom-boom Car" near a carousel, but it seems abandoned.

  • Naufal Ahmad El Mubarok

    Naufal Ahmad El Mubarok


    The place that you can play with monkeys, these mokeys are not dangerous they only want your food. Safe and feel enjoy to have a picnic with family

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