Swiss-Belinn Kristal Kupang i Nusa Tenggara Timur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienSwiss-Belinn Kristal Kupang


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Jalan Timor Raya No. 59, Kota Lama, Pasir Panjang, Kec. Kota Lama, Kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Tim. 85228, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 380 8430300
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Latitude: -10.152849, Longitude: 123.599864

kommentar 5

  • garibaldi marandita

    garibaldi marandita


    Amazing beach views , specially in the morning

  • en

    Bayu Budiarso


    Bit aging hotel by sea, cozy for spent leisure time, but a bit noisy in the evening because of the night club on the ground floor.

  • Muhammad Fathulloh

    Muhammad Fathulloh


    The Superior Room is nice, but the air conditioning is poor and the water tap is a bit broken. Wifi connection is slow and phone serive is almost gone while in room.

  • Wida Widiyati

    Wida Widiyati


    The hotel is so far away from luxury. The lobby doesn't have air conditioning. The hotel is divided to two building. The new one and the old one. I was staying in the old building. All the furniture in the room is old. Especially the bed which is not so comfortable. The only good in the hotel is the breakfast. There's many food variation and drinks. The hotel also don't have a free shuttle to the airport.

  • Dewa Ruci AB

    Dewa Ruci AB


    It sucks. Its not recommended. Got a room number 3014 (after 3012, there is no 3013). Air conditioner not cool though set to 16 degrees. Smoking Room and i don't smoke. Smells bad. Got a goosebumps when i first came in to that room. The air is to hot to sleep. I can't change room cause all room are booked.

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