Subtitles w Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta




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Dharmawangsa Square - Citywalk, Basement Floor No 29-30, Jalan Dharmawangsa IV - IX, RT.05/RW.01, Pulo, Kebayoran Baru, RT.5/RW.1, Pulo, Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12160, Indonezja
kontakt telefon: +62 21 72788337
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Latitude: -6.2534123, Longitude: 106.8016676

komentarze 5

  • Nico S

    Nico S


    It's a place to watch movies privately with your close friends, since it only for 6 people in a room with two sofas. Let's say 95% of the movie collection is DVD, yeah you know what DVD videos quality like. They over some Blu-ray for new movie. But since it's only use office projector that not give you sharp video quality, Blu-ray will not helping the quality. In the room you will enjoy surround sound system. For the comfort and flexibility watching movie this place is good. For the quality of watching movie, its 1/10

  • Kevin Wiyarnanda

    Kevin Wiyarnanda


    The perfect place to experience how it feels to have your own private cinema. They have a multitude range of movies and tv shows that you can choose from. Be sure to make your reservation a few hours before arriving. There's only 1 room that can play movies from your laptop.

  • en

    Newbie Electric


    -COSINES(COMFORT) = (5/5) -CLEANLINESS = (5/5) -SERVICE =(4/5) -QUALITY OFFERED = (4/5) it only use projector so the picture quality arent really good, but they have a lot of blu ray film -PRICE = sorry :'( i forgot, but i remember that its cheap, around Rp 100to200k -INSTAGRAMMABLE = YES (potential) -PRODUCT VARIETY =they have a lot film , but not enough i think , they dont have many new release *only available or reservable at even hours (10,12,14,16~~) *better reserve before come, almost always reserved already *there is at least 8 rooms available or reservable *the collection arent many, but you can bring your own dvd or bluray *1 room for around 8 people , (2 sofa) and floor(carpet floor) *the place are hard to find, it is in the basement (parking lot) btw i only come but i dont see any film, because its already full, so im not sure about the screen quality, but proector are never better than some tv screnn (led and such)

  • Kevin Wiyarnanda

    Kevin Wiyarnanda


    The perfect place to experience how it feels to have your own private cinema. They have a multitude range of movies and tv shows that you can choose from. Be sure to make your reservation a few hours before arriving. There's only 1 room that can play movies from your laptop.

  • Angger Wisanggeni

    Angger Wisanggeni


    Subtitle is one of the edgy place for Jakarta hipster to show up, it's a mini theatre but like so many cutting edge place out there this place does not follow mainstream trend and stick with their old ways and old movie. Movie selection are quite limited but you will found interesting movie that is out of your movie genre preference. If you are only with your couple then I guarantee it will be tempting to do things like making out, but please restrain as they can hear you.

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