STRIKE BOWL i Sumatera Utara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Jalan sisingamangaraja yuki simpang raya lt 3, Kotamatsum III, Medan Kota, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20212, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62
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Latitude: 3.576114, Longitude: 98.688984

kommentar 5

  • natio jiwa ksatria

    natio jiwa ksatria


    Small place but definitely will give you big happiness and bowling experience!! 2 usd/person/play and additional 1 usd for shoes. It’s fun place for friends and family!!

  • en

    Kevin Song


    Eventhough the only bowling alley at medan but still not good as i expected. Your ball and arena must be change. Give you 2 stars cause the atmosphere make me calm at there.

  • en

    Natalia Kangdra


    I have been wondering where is the bowling's ally in Medan city for years. Years ago, I only know that if I want to play bowling then I must go to Medan Mall. Finally last long holiday, I made my visit here. Though the place a bit quiet, I have good time here. I experienced playing bowling with the real ball. Note: You need to rent bowling shoes here. Tips: bring your own socks.

  • rizky hermawan

    rizky hermawan


    It brings me to notice that at this day, this is the only bowling alley in Medan. It was here before and then got collapsed for some moments which I think because of financial problems but then they come a again with new concept. The space is smaller than the previous one but the atmosphere is more catchy.

  • Veronica Phing

    Veronica Phing


    The only bowling alley in town, so you can't miss this one. The place is clean, has 6 bowling alleys and several billiard table. The price is reasonable too. It's usually crowdy on weekend nights. But the only downside is that the alley could be broken and you have to wait for the staff to fix it. But overall, bring your friends here and have fun!

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