Situ Lembang Park i Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

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IndonesienSitu Lembang Park


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Jl. Lembang Terusan D-59, Kec. Menteng, RT.6/RW.5, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12910, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 21 3144969
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Latitude: -6.1978861, Longitude: 106.8346708

kommentar 5

  • en

    Pipiet Erika


    one of the 3 parks in menteng area. my friend said it's the one spot she and her friends loved to visit when they skipped school back on those days. ha..ha..ha...

  • Zulfikar Azhar

    Zulfikar Azhar


    Always love garden in the middle of jakarta. This one has lake where people usually fishing. You can jogging around the lake

  • Dian ana

    Dian ana


    Nice park to hangout on the weekend. Lots people fishing even hard to catch the fish. And the water is dirty

  • en

    siswati prihatini


    A vey nice little park in the middle of the city. There's a little pond, where unbelievably people fish. You can jog, sit on the benches or under the tree to read books, bring your child to play. It's a shame some of the visitors smoke and leaving empty bottles and plastic bags not in the trash bins.

  • Hawaii Bule

    Hawaii Bule


    Beautiful park in the middle of city. Many families and people fishing. It is very well maintained and helps to get back to nature. The crew is very friendly and will even let you borrow a fishing pole if you ask. It was very nice

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