Ramayana Mall Serang i Banten

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienRamayana Mall Serang



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Jalan Veteran No.17, Kotabaru, Serang, Kotabaru, Kec. Serang, Kota Serang, Banten 42113, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 254 224961
internet side: www.ramayana.co.id
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Latitude: -6.1165514, Longitude: 106.1537001

kommentar 5

  • en

    nuni yuniawati


    Too croud, un friendly parking lot specially for cars

  • Jan Höfner

    Jan Höfner


    One of a shopping stops in the heart of Serang city. Now it is quite unorganised just like a market, not a mall. However they have a range options of food-stalls (I often have my lunch at the PizzaHut at the ground level).

  • ane swd

    ane swd


    Feels like in market not in the mall... But enough comfortable and one stop shopping...

  • theresna winda

    theresna winda


    Not a good place for shopping or hangout.. Lebih baik cari tempat lain☺

  • Tia Khustiarawati

    Tia Khustiarawati


    It is located at the heart of serang city. It is at front of alun-alun serang city. A quite crowd place to park your vehicle since its at the business centre area, near to serang district governmental offices a. K. A pendopo bupati serang. If you want to hang out, they have pizza, chicken, and japanesse food outlets. They also serve you clothing stores, bag shops, and shoes seller. At the basement you can find a supermarket who sale fruits, vegetables, snacks, drinks and many more. If you need to withdraw some money, just go to the corner of the basement, you will find atm gallery there, near the cellphone stores. If you need to go to mushola, go to the third floor, close to the rooftop parking lot, you will find mushola. Unfortunately the toilet is not clean enough for me, i some time rather to chose pee at other place then peeing there. The building management should consider to overcome those dirty problem soon in order to make customer satisfied.

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