Pohon Kasih i Sulawesi Utara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienPohon Kasih



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Mandagåben 24 timer
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Kawasan, Jalan Novena, Kota Manado, Sulawesi Utara, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 821-3706-6663
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Latitude: 1.4852356, Longitude: 124.8309145

kommentar 5

  • Yunas Ardiansyah

    Yunas Ardiansyah


    Nice place to sunsetan

  • Kristovel Lim

    Kristovel Lim


    Hangout with friends or lovely one? This might be the place you wanted to be. Very strategic place. From here, you could walk around to find other place to hangout. It's like a pit stop for "hangout game" (you'll find me here every weekend with my MTB)

  • Joyce Ann

    Joyce Ann


    Beautiful place for Viewing, hangout or jogging in the morning

  • Donald M

    Donald M


    This place is actually a square where people can have a good time here walking around. Besides, music live show and some other live programs are sometimes performed. Giving it a name, which in English it would read 'The Tree of Love' is ridiculous, because there is no living tree here. Instead it is an iron construction tower which resembles a piramid, and it looks like an artificial tree.

  • Tria M

    Tria M


    Best place to spend some peace time to forget any annoying thoughts. You will see the beautiful sunset and then the citylights, or the reflection of the moon and airplane crossing above the sea at night making unforgotable memories♡

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