Museum Tsunami Aceh i Aceh

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IndonesienMuseum Tsunami Aceh



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Jalan Sultan Iskandar Muda No.3, Sukaramai, Baiturrahman, Sukaramai, Baiturrahman, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23243, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 651 40774
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Latitude: 5.5479392, Longitude: 95.3149826

kommentar 5

  • Rizqi Arifuddin

    Rizqi Arifuddin


    When I watched various pictures and display at this museum, my mind brought me back to the memories of watching how Tsunami destroyed Aceh back in 2006 through TV. Being here in Banda Aceh and in this particular museum was a very sentimental experience for me. I could feel the same sorrow when watching photos of the survivors. The museum will remind you of how fragile humans are. However it will also show you that humans are all the same regardless their nationality, gender, religion, ethnicity, and others. It is really great to see that the world citizens lent their hands to help Aceh. Of all the spots here, I was really touched when I was at the chamber of blessing i which hundreds if not thousands of Tsunami victim names were displayed. A recording of Qur'an recital was played, adding the serenity in this room. Try to close your eyes and send along your prayers to the victims. I lamented the museum's cleanliness. It was dirty when I went there. I hoped they will do something about it.

  • en

    Expat Pete


    If there was ever a museum that was over-hyped, it'd probably be the Bob Marley museum, but this one I'm afraid to say would also be high on that list. It seemed to me to be a typical Asian museum - grand architectural building, with a whole lot of empty spaces and empty walls on the inside. The best part is probably the audio/visual experience. Otherwise to museum is just a bunch of shoddy displays and pictures with little accompanying information.

  • en

    Eko Kusworo


    It was a great experience to visit this uniquely museum. The praying room is the deepest heart toeuching for me. Indeed, more English translation was required for the foreigner to get more information. The diorama display also need be more artistic also the movie in the theater room.

  • Sha'azza A. Aziz

    Sha'azza A. Aziz


    Good place to learn about tsunami & what happened to Aceh/Banda Aceh before, during & after the fatal December 26th 2004 tsunami. Sadly the exhibits & museum a bit run down. Entrance is free though.

  • Riki Akbar

    Riki Akbar


    it used to be a good place to spend time at. However, last time I went there, it looked like that it was not maintained very well. The waste and trash were everywhere. A little bit hot inside and the fan or air conditioning did not work normally. Dirt was all over the place and the parking management was bad. Need to be improved since this museum is one of renowned landmark of Banda Aceh

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