Museum Konferensi Asia Afrika i Jawa Barat

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IndonesienMuseum Konferensi Asia Afrika



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65, Jalan Asia Afrika, 40111, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 22 4233564
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Latitude: -6.9212134, Longitude: 107.6095152

kommentar 5

  • Anik Lailatul Muniroh

    Anik Lailatul Muniroh


    Very structural and fun museum, it has a mini theatre for watching a short documentary movie about the beginning of Bandung Spirit which means Asian African Conference in 1955. There's also available a very good bathroom within.

  • Shafa Atrining Probosari

    Shafa Atrining Probosari


    A really well maintained museum. Got a great air circulation, lots detail stories and also you can enter the conference room used by legends. The museum is not too big so you can just wandering around for about an hour at max

  • Gavrila Amadea

    Gavrila Amadea


    For me this is the second best museum in Bandung after Geology Museum. Its very crowded during the weekend and public holiday, but if you come in weekday probably will accompany by kindergarten or elementary student. well its great place to learn about history or just spent your time. But to find parking lot near by was a struggle especially during weekend, I suggest you park little bit further and walk the way around.

  • Qiny Shonia

    Qiny Shonia


    One of many museums in Bandung. A historic place with great ambience. Museum of the Asian and Africans Conference in 1955. The staffs are nice and helpful. Located in the city center, so it's easy ro reach. We can learn many things and there's a library inside. It's free entry, don't worry about the ticket fees. They even sell gifts near the exit.

  • Achmad Rosyid Imaduddin

    Achmad Rosyid Imaduddin


    No doubt this is the best museum in Bandung. Located in strategic area of the city and very easy to reach. This place is very clean and enjoyable. Absolutely perfect museum without hectic situations like the others. This museum provides the story of Asia Africa Conference with comprehensive information on every single item that they have. Great place to learn about history and spend the day in Bandung.

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