Keraton Kacirebonan i Jawa Barat

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IndonesienKeraton Kacirebonan



🕗 åbningstider

Pulasaren, Pekalipan, Cirebon, Pulasaren, Pekalipan, Kota Cirebon, Jawa Barat 45116, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -6.7246829, Longitude: 108.5653505

kommentar 5

  • Caecilia Purnamasari

    Caecilia Purnamasari


    When you buy a ticket a guide will be automatically assigned to accompany you but it would be better if they also have a clear policy about the guide fee

  • en

    James Latief


    Beautiful Keraton, plenty of things to see. According to the guide, the current Sultan lives right across the street and have events here. Cool to be able to see the original clothes of the old Sultans here.

  • Juno Ceasar Hardoyo

    Juno Ceasar Hardoyo


    If you're lucky then you've got the chance to meet with the sultan himself like I did. I did not recognized him at first until I saw the current sultan picture in the wall then I realized I just met the humble sultan

  • Ardnas dewi

    Ardnas dewi


    Keraton Kacirebonan has a color with green elements that dominate.. there are stores various ancient collections of objects laden with history. Great guide..! We learned a lot He was friendly, warm and knowledgeable. He also took photos for us.. Thank you, Sir

  • tommy warrior

    tommy warrior


    ONE of three Palaces in Cirebon city. The smallest one but nice and interesting to visit. Occasionally have traditional performances which open to public. The website and the management needs to upgrade it's information for international travelers interest. Last time I checked they have no foreign speaking guide stand by.

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