Juanda Station i Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

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IndonesienJuanda Station


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Raya, 10710, Jalan Ir Haji Juanda I B, RW.4, Kebon Kelapa, Gambir, Ps. Baru, Sawah Besar, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10120, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62
internet side: www.krl.co.id
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Latitude: -6.1666629, Longitude: 106.8304586

kommentar 5

  • Muhammad Fahri Priambudi

    Muhammad Fahri Priambudi


    If you are on a commuter and will continue the trip by train leaving from Gambir Station, then you can get off at this station or at Gondangdia Station. This station is named Juanda as a tribute to the last Prime Minister of the Republic of Indonesia, Djuanda Kartawidjaja. If you get off the station platform, then you will see hundreds of ojek pangkalan or conventional motorcycle taxi drivers calling for passengers. If you choose to use an online motorcycle taxi service (Gojek, Uber), then you have to walk a little way out of the station complex and wait at the nearby Circle-K outlet.

  • en

    Olivia Tjoea


    Several dining shop with proper coffee and food... Spacious (ladies) toilet, along with gender wise Musholla room. Parking lot available with reasonable price, there's pedestrian bridge directly to transjakarta Juanda station and Istiqlal mosque, walking distance to veteran road, and small souvenir shop in the corner of the station...

  • Indra Buana

    Indra Buana


    The station is clean and spacious so comfortable when waiting for the train not far from the mosque (Istiqlal) and family holiday spot (National Monument) many culinary counters there are arranged neat and clean.

  • Yudi Maryanto

    Yudi Maryanto


    Big and clean train station. Right in front of main exit gate is Halte Busway Juanda. Therefore, switching from Commuter Line to Transjakarta (or vice versa) is fairly easy. There are many cafes and convenient stores in the station. There are two mushollas (praying room), one is on the ground floor and the other is on first floor. The last time I was there, the water for wudhu on the first is salty, but the water on the ground floor is normal

  • Gandhi Ferdinand

    Gandhi Ferdinand


    I come here to pick up a friend. There is spacious parking space for cars (across the station). The station itself seems clean. The toilet is cleaned often (I see there is a staff that is on duty every time I visit here). There are also minimarkets, some affordable restaurants/bakery, ATM Center.

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