Ibis Yogyakarta Malioboro i Jawa Tengah

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IndonesienIbis Yogyakarta Malioboro


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No.52-58, Jalan Malioboro, 55001, Kota Yogyakarta, Jawa Tengah, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 274 516974
internet side: www.accorhotels.com
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Latitude: -7.7930355, Longitude: 110.3664856

kommentar 5

  • dian prananda

    dian prananda


    Located in the middle of Malioboro Street, the location of the hotel will ease you to stroll around Malioboro and lots of shops there. Right side by side with Malioboro mall is an additional benefit. Food stalls, money changers, batik shops and market are easy to reach on foot. The rooms are rather small but clean, the staffs are helpful

  • Andika Herwijanarko

    Andika Herwijanarko


    Located just at the most-remembered Malioboro street in Jogjakarta. The hotel is having direct access to Malioboro Mall, and just across the street of the pedestrian local Malioboro market. Hotel is quite neat, with small-business standard room. Voice from rooms can be heard from outside, indeed. Breakfast is OK. Would be nice if room rate to be lowered a bit....

  • coanks love

    coanks love


    Very nice location (connected to Malioboro Mall), easy transportation (Trans jogja bus stop within walking distance), lots of food stalls near the hotel (also Batik/clothing stores). Clean Room and bathroom. Breakfast variety is good. Friendly staffs. And value for money.

  • en

    Dewi Christina Syamsir


    I love this hotel, this is the best 3 star hotel i've ever stayed at. The room is spacious enough and very clean, breakfast was great, and love the rain shower. The hotel policy to let people smoking in the lobby is major issue for me and the internet connection was poor.

  • Arif Sentana

    Arif Sentana


    The hotel is cozy and lively with a good service. Hot and cold water work nicely and the wifi is free although a bit slow. The place itself also near the Malioboro Mall and the Malioboro street making hangout and shopping easily reachable. The place is good for those who wants to spend night at the heart of Yogyakarta. The only cons I got is the view to the Malioboro street is blocked by the Malioboro Mall.

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