Hotel On The Rock by Prasanthi i East Nusa Tenggara

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IndonesienHotel On The Rock by Prasanthi



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2, Jalan Timor Raya, 85228, Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 380 8586100
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Latitude: -10.1456631, Longitude: 123.6141639

kommentar 5

  • Anggita Triastiwi

    Anggita Triastiwi


    This hotel is one of the 'to go to' hotels in Kupang. The staffs are helpful and friendly. Our rooms were minimally designed and clean. We were also treated with the gorgeous view of the blue sea right outside of our hotel window. They also offer a beautiful backyard with a clean pool by the sea. A great place to enjoy peaceful holiday accompanied by sunset and sunrise.

  • Rosa Setiyaati

    Rosa Setiyaati


    One of the recommended hotel in Kupang, NTT.. it's a nice place for the sea view, you can see sunrise and sunset from your room.. take it your time and new experiences!

  • Syah Koroma

    Syah Koroma


    Are you looking for sunset? This hotel has the best view of sunset in Kupang City

  • Kristianto



    Just realise that this hotel next to christian cemetery lot. But nothing creepy happens stay happy

  • en

    andre sugiarto


    Spent a night here With beachview room Cleanliness was above average Staffs were very helpful Facilities were good, but need to improve the fitness centre

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