Hotel Mirama Balikpapan i Kalimantan Timur

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IndonesienHotel Mirama Balikpapan


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Jalan APT Pranoto No.16, Klandasan Ilir, Balikpapan Kota, Gunungsari Ilir, Balikpapan Tengah, Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur 76113, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 542 412442
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Latitude: -1.2742309, Longitude: 116.8373818

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nathan Htbarat



  • en

    Muhammad Syafaat



  • Verte B

    Verte B


    I stayed at this hotel for three days, not in the main building but the one opposite it. It was okay. Nothing to be said about the reception, neither good nor bad, not exactly friendly though. The bathroom could use a lot of improvement. The shower head and tissue holder were rusty, so was the bathroom doorknob. The hot water was not hot, it was only lukewarm at best and you have to wait for about five mins before it even turns lukewarm (waste much?). The towels didn't smell fresh. The lighting was bad. It's really only a place to sleep or watch TV during the night, you can't read unless you want to strain your eyes with such dim lighting. At night it could get noisy, be it from the neighbourhood or the TV sounds from nearby rooms. The competitive price is its only redeeming aspect.

  • Carrie Meiriza Virriysha Putri

    Carrie Meiriza Virriysha Putri


    It is one of the 3 star hotel in the center of Balikpapan. It tooks about 30-40 minutes from Sepinggan Intl. Airport with Taxi. The Hotel near Balikpapan Plaza. Its easy to go anywhere there with convensional/public transportation. The room is good enough and also they served breakfast for non moslem customer even in fasting day.

  • Anna akaizone

    Anna akaizone


    Budget hotel. Location it's so good. Near from anywhere and in the middle of city. Some room with low budget, dont expecting too much. But the other is so nice.

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