Hotel Borobudur Jakarta i Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

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IndonesienHotel Borobudur Jakarta



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1, Jalan Lapangan Banteng Selatan, 10710, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 21 3805555
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Latitude: -6.1721761, Longitude: 106.835833

kommentar 5

  • Budi Santoso

    Budi Santoso


    It was a legendary hotel which has considered as the best at the moment even still leaving many luxurious until today. As the name, there are a lot of iconic from Borobudur temple (in Magelang) such as miniature of the Borobudur temple and the statue. The room is large with sofa and desk inside the room. The location is also in the center of Jakarta city with many sport and recreation activities inside the hotel itself.

  • Angry Magpie

    Angry Magpie


    Borobudur Hotel is still by far my favourite hotel in Jakarta. For someone living in the frequently chaotic megacity like Jakarta, Borobudur Hotel can be an oasis. The pool is the highlight of the hotel. It's the largest and cleanest one I've been to in Indonesia. I pretty much come to the hotel for amazing pool. One thing to note is, being a 5-star luxury hotel, everything at the hotel carries a high price-tag. This includes food & beverage. I was particularly unimpressed by the fact I had to pay $6 AUD BY THE HOUR to rent cheap ping-pong rackets, something I didn't need to do at other hotels. The room is a little bit smaller and dated compare to other similar hotels in the city, and I think it's a bad idea to not have a sitting area at the lobby. Overall it's still a good experience if you like swimming.

  • Stella Mandagi

    Stella Mandagi


    I love staying here. The room were nice and clean, and breakfast was excellent. The hotel has a good sport club/gym, tennis courts, big swimming pool and loved the landscape garden. Highly recommended to stay at the Borobudur Hotel.

  • en

    Georges Younes


    A 4 star hotel that has the potential to upgrade to 5 stars. Rooms are large and comfortable. The grounds are beautiful. You can do your jogging or morning walk in the gardens then jump in an impressive pool that is almost worthy of professional swimming competitions. Areas that could be easily improved are service and food. Service is nevertheless acceptable, but food is mediocre. Breakfast is shameful for a hotel this size and with such a large clientele. The only decent restaurant on the premises is the Chinese restaurant, but it is somewhat pricey. I would stay there again because of its location and beautiful grounds, but next time I will do my best to eat elsewhere.

  • en

    Herry Setyawan


    Love the hotel so much. I've stayed here several times. It is a very old hotel, but very very well maintained. It's like staying in your rich grandma's house, it has that old luxurious warm you don't find in younger hotels. It has an Olympic size swimming pool and a new great spa facilities. The staffs were amazingly friendly, helpful and surely know how to treat guests well. The rate is also reasonable for the facilities you get.

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