Grand Aston City Hall Medan i Sumatera Utara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienGrand Aston City Hall Medan


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1, Jalan Balaikota, 20112, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 61 4557000
internet side:
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Latitude: 3.590096, Longitude: 98.676716

kommentar 5

  • en

    Levi Indrawaty


    Aston has many restaurants inside, but the food isn't very good. The quality is not there.. The taste is below standard😂

  • Kasa Witra

    Kasa Witra


    Luxury place, got a ballroom, not really big but enough to make great party, the place is clean enough, have a great outdoor place also. Overall, i think it's great to stay here for a couple of days

  • Erlina Fransisca

    Erlina Fransisca


    Their service is good... so cool.... loved it... thank you so much.

  • Erick Saul

    Erick Saul


    Overall a good hotel if you want to stay in the middle of Medan. The room is clean and neat as you would expect from Aston group. The staffs, however, are not as nice as other Aston Hotel like Aston Cirebon or Aston Bali. This is one point for improvement for Aston Medan.

  • Hachage Brun

    Hachage Brun


    Best service for both apartment and hotel. Layout and circulation for access is really convenient. Facilities are well prepared. They had lounge, pub/club, salon, hall, meeting rooms, and others. Hall and meeting rooms can be rented for cetain purposes such as wedding party, seminars, etc. My favourite is their breakfast, they have so many choices and all of them are delicious!

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