GRAN SENYIUR Hotel i Kalimantan Timur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienGRAN SENYIUR Hotel


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Jalan ARS Muhammad 7, Klandasan Ulu, Balikpapan Kota, Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur 76112, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 542 820211
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Latitude: -1.2730544, Longitude: 116.8329551

kommentar 5

  • en

    George Adriaansz


    I visited Grand Senyiur hotel for a professional annual meeting and stay for 8 hours in the confrence room and lobby. The room was spacious and the furnitures were old but still functioning. The last lunch provided by the hotel restaurant, the dishes were quite complete and many variations, but the taste were not quite good. The restroom was lack of routine maintenance and a little bit dirty.

  • Rudy Gunawan Syarfi

    Rudy Gunawan Syarfi


    The Grill and Sky Bar have beautiful view to sea and town. The hotel shows good quality of wood at the doors and flooring. The old wood in some area near to basement and the pool need continuous maintenance

  • Erik Firman

    Erik Firman


    It's spacious..looks old yet well maintained. The matress feels hard,if only the hotel could replace the matress with the new one,so we can have a quality sleep

  • andi darmali

    andi darmali


    exclusive place, right now there is a wedding ceremony in here. Air con is good, food is good, staffs are nice

  • Ricky Nuriadi

    Ricky Nuriadi


    Classic high class designed hotel, not a millenial person could fond of, but quite nice and up to standard. Just an okay hotel of all the intricate details of interior removed, could use more electric sockets though...

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