Frank's Bar & Smokehouse i Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

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IndonesienFrank's Bar & Smokehouse



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29, Jalan Taman Kemang, 12730, Jakarta, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 21 7183007
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Latitude: -6.257275, Longitude: 106.810329

kommentar 5

  • en

    richard gennies


    Not so much as a smokehouse now but still available at the same quility, more of a mixed menu with something for everyone, during the day its quite, by five o'clock a quick snack is popular(afy bagus) which will probally keep you there till the the live band or dancing lessons start! Salsa one night, ever tried?

  • en

    Donna Crook


    Enjoyed the meal- special beef brisket. Ellan makes the best drinks- try the Smoky! Music was a low point- I know this is Asia but when Cowboy music is advertised- don't play slower fiddler-y versions of the Eagles.

  • Pera Utami

    Pera Utami


    The place is ok, not too crowded. The cocktails are ok too, but if they improve it a bit, that would be good. Choices of beer are varied and with reasonable price.. The best thing is they have live music.

  • en

    Samuel Juana


    Cozy place with live music. Great band, good food. Frank's serve delicious smoked food, it's their speciality. There are pool table for anyone. Draft beer served here. They have house cocktails that taste good. Nice promo offerings. Employees are nice and kind. Great place for hang out with friends and relatives..

  • George Strnad

    George Strnad


    5:30pm. Empty place. Smoker not working. Waitresses sitting around. We get menus but no one comes to take order. I ask someone to come by, they say they have to clean tables. They say sorry, offer a drink but it never come. Small portions. Perhaps Frank was good originally but current owner can’t motivate staff to do anything. Don’t waste your time or money.

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