favehotel Daeng Tompo Makassar i Sulawesi Selatan

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Indonesienfavehotel Daeng Tompo Makassar



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No.28-36, Jalan Daeng Tompo, 90112, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 411 3639777
internet side: www.favehotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -5.1430301, Longitude: 119.4095078

kommentar 5

  • dea chinantya

    dea chinantya


    Not really fans of this hotel. The reception asked you to wait aroubd 5 minutes to get your room ready which is not making any sense since i was checking around 4 pm and they did not accept late or early check in or check out. After check in to my room, i found dirty shock laying around in the table. So what the hell is they doing when they asked me to wait and checking my room. Not mention that they were lack of parking space and the security guard just stand there and not doing anything helpful.

  • Sandra Jaßmann

    Sandra Jaßmann


    Nice and clean room. Very good breakfast Even if I was a little bit late, they offered me to prepare extra orders. Very friendly and helpful staff. Lia booked a bus ticket for me and offered her help in a very polite way. Thank you!

  • Firda Amalia Haeruddin

    Firda Amalia Haeruddin


    I went there not for stay. I just attended the seminar for two days. And what I see was it's a good hotel. Pinky as like a girly. Also have a mini swimming pool. The taste of lunch food also good. But, I don't like the toilet because have a problem with the door-keys and I just felt uncomfortable with it.

  • en

    Farihah Naser


    The hotel room is clean, but the toilets are a bit smelly. We stayed at the family room which is very spacious. Breakfast provided has variety of selection. The staffs are very helpful and friendly. The hotel is located close local food restaurants and the Losari Beach.

  • Martin Magdalenski

    Martin Magdalenski


    Our 4th stay. Good value for price. Nice breakfast buffet. Great seafood restaurants a five minute walk. No alcohol served.

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