favehotel Adi Sucipto Solo i Jawa Tengah

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Indonesienfavehotel Adi Sucipto Solo



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60, Jalan Adi Sucipto, 57139, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 271 719222
internet side: www.favehotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -7.5519496, Longitude: 110.7952698

kommentar 5

  • Beni Krisbiantoro

    Beni Krisbiantoro


    Hotelnya bersih karena masih lumayan baru bangunannya. Makanan standard seperti fave yg lain.

  • Dian Prabowo

    Dian Prabowo


    Fun, fresh, and friendly are the tagline of favehotel, we have a fun and fresh facilities and friendly staff also. Located in the mid town, only 5 minutes from airport Adi Soemarmo International Solo Airport. Special floor for ladies with view mountains Merapi and Merbabu.  Favehotel Adi Sucipto Solo has a business target market that come from other city that having a business in Solo, groups for leisure , group for schools excursion. With minimalist building 12 floors and number of rooms 190, with a speed of 100Mbps wifi on private and public area’s, makes you very comfortable to surf in cyberspace. Breakfast with a full menu and you can enjoy all you can eat.  We have meeting rooms with total 350 pax capacity than can be break out in 4 meeting rooms.  Full bedroom facilities, such as air conditioning, flat screen television, tv cable, shower with hot and cold water, towels, complimentary water in the room, soap, shampoo and dental kit in the bathroom and  slippers display in our rooms Located on Jl. Adi Sucipto No. 60, Solo 57139 , the center of town. Built in 2011, we were born as a budget hotel that is highly recommended  by the traveller with a limited budget. With a location close to the business center, close to the Adi Soemarmo Airport, close to Solo Balapan Rail station, Purwosari Rail Station makes us easily accessible from all directions.

  • christian nugroho

    christian nugroho


    Strategic location, clean and very neat room, breakfast is not so special

  • Rully Pradana

    Rully Pradana


    I have a nice one night stay in this hotel. Reasonably priced with comfortable room and a very good breakfast. Located not far from Tirtonadi Bus Terminal, only 10 minutes (using cars or motorcycle) or 30-40 minutes (by walking if you have some free time). I'd say this hotel is a good choice for traveller who travels with bus like me.

  • Eleazar Evan Moeljono

    Eleazar Evan Moeljono


    Everything was OK until you realize that this hotel need more space for cars. The water bidet wasn't quite strong until a maintenance worker fixed it. I enjoyed my night, tho.

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