DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Jakarta - Diponegoro i Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

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IndonesienDoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Jakarta - Diponegoro


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No.17, Jalan Pegangsaan Timur, 10310, Jakarta, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 21 31904433
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Latitude: -6.1989487, Longitude: 106.8431562

kommentar 5

  • januar w wibowo

    januar w wibowo


    Kesini bukan buat stay di hotel tp makan di resto nya apik banget hadap kolam apalagi kalo malem hari. Di liat liat bagusnya viewnya buat wedding sempet liat beberapa dekorasinya simple tapi kekinian banget terus ada view kolam renang bikin jd mewah.

  • en

    budi Marto


    This is a hidden gem in the middle of the hustling bustling city. You feel away from the fact you are only hundreds of meter from the busiest train line in Jakarta.For business it is a great place for MICE, as the room are nice and the management very very professional. I had not a chance to stay in the rooms, but from the people that stayed they said it was better than most double tree in the states

  • Danial Arif

    Danial Arif


    Simply one of the best hotels to go in Jakarta. The service is excellent and the staff there are very well trained and friendly. It is also near an MRT Station for commutes. This hotel also emphasize great concern for security. All in all, BEST HOTEL I HAVE BEEN IN JAKARTA.

  • Cliff G.O

    Cliff G.O


    A quick review, I visited this hotel. And noticed something new. I realized that this hotel gives the best experience I have ever experienced. This place has been a favorite of my family and relatives. Especially the ones from AMERICA. They feel a sort of connection in a good way, and I felt that too. So, here I like their friendly staff and facilities that are family friendly. The restaurant is a great experience in my case and their ballroom is the best. With high ceilings and the biggest projector I have ever seen. Be amazed, at the DoubleTree By Hilton. Surely, a bespoke experience

  • Brian Wong

    Brian Wong


    Best DoubleTree I have ever stayed in so far. The best part is the swimming pool which is extended from the restaurant to the gym, which looks like a water features cum Swimming pool. One may have the illusion of being in Bali instead of Jakarta. Room has the same standard as other DoubleTree but the view overlooking the entrance from top is even more amazing! Architecture design has intelligently included an interesting facade for customers, from the top. If one doesn’t mind the traffic, this hotel would be a good choice within Jakarta!

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