De'gigant Tours Borneo i East Kalimantan

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IndonesienDe'gigant Tours Borneo



🕗 åbningstider

Jalan Martadinata, Raudah 1 no 21, Teluk Lerong Ilir, Samarinda, Samarinda City, East Kalimantan 75128, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 812-5846-578
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -0.498176, Longitude: 117.131477

kommentar 5

  • Awalin Insani Tayib

    Awalin Insani Tayib


  • en

    Wim Voorwalt


    The crew of the boat was very friendly, the guide was nice and the cook on board was superb. We have seen a lot of the local life and enjoyed the beautiful nature. The minus was that our boat was broken already two hours after departure. We had to wait for a replacement boat that costed us a full day of the program. Unfortunately the owner of the Tour company, Lucas, did not want to take responsibility. That was a big disappointment. So please go to a tour on the Mahakam river but not with De'Gigant Tours.

  • yacob tullur

    yacob tullur


    nice people, lot of mixture people, forest and wildlife, Everyone is in unanimous agreement for the area's forests to be protected and for more tourists to arrive

  • en

    rejeki nomplok


    Amazing cruise on the Mahakam River, lot's of wildlife seen

  • Agus Riyanto

    Agus Riyanto


    this is the real east borne please vist and enjoy the adventure.

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