Chinatown Bandung i Jawa Barat

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IndonesienChinatown Bandung



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No.41, Jalan Kelenteng, 40182, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 22 6038114
internet side:
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Latitude: -6.9172868, Longitude: 107.593071

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lomar Dasika


    Small but well maintained. It has its own Chinese Descendant museum also. Ticket price is IDR20K. Some goodies which sold here are overpriced. But the rest quite good for photo or took a selfie.

  • Revaldo Runtuwene

    Revaldo Runtuwene


    When in the outside. I saw the gate and my perspective it's this place would be small, but it's not. They designed this very well so looks spacious and large. Like every china town, this one is good for taking photos with clothes chinese culture. The problem is so hardly to find parking even in the weekday.

  • woelly william

    woelly william


    Not really a chinatown. It is more of a restaurant with big compound and Chinese themed interior. Price of foods is not the cheapest in town. Not too bad for an experience for the first time. This place is usually crowded and entrance is chargeable.

  • I. Hendrasto,Ir

    I. Hendrasto,Ir


    A must see place with many photospot inside. Basically this is a tourist spot with entrance fee to enjoy china heritage culture in Bandung. Shops inside mostly selling foods. No cash accepted and it's a must to pay with any debit card (with PIN and no additional fee whatsoever) This place will be more beautiful at night time when all the lantern was lit.

  • Yulia Rahmawati

    Yulia Rahmawati


    Don't expect TOO MUCH! Actually just a place to eat and shopping. No more. If only, you can take some good picture because of the unique architecture design, you're just lucky. Entrance ticket is 20k per person. Not really OK. I really disappointed because it is very full at weekend and there are not enough tables and seats. The place is actually very small, and nothing to be enjoyed. I just stay here not more than 20 minutes. Better not to be fooled by promotions and good photo on social media.

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