Aston Palembang Hotel & Conference Center i Sumatera Selatan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienAston Palembang Hotel & Conference Center


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189, Jalan Basuki Rahmat, 30126, Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 711 388999
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Latitude: -2.9548375, Longitude: 104.7472331

kommentar 5

  • Lolita Yuniarti

    Lolita Yuniarti


    Nice room, Clean hotel, comfortable stay, excellent service. I appreciate the Management because prayer mat /sejadah was provided in the wardrobe.

  • Dharma Surjaputra

    Dharma Surjaputra


    Not well maintained Aston hotel. I stayed two nights here. Room was okay. But air condition can't be cold. Toilet was dirty. I tried to cleaned it with soap and water. Managed to clean abit. But the remaining stained was still there and can't be cleaned already Towel smells. The second day I use towel, there was a strong perfume smells. Make me wonder if the previous towel had been washed or no. Staff were friendly and helpful though. That was a plus. But I will Not gonna go back to stay here. Will stay in Novotel next door for next time.

  • ganapathy ramasamy

    ganapathy ramasamy


    My wife and I and a family friend stayed at Aston. It was a pleasant experience. Though the Hotel is located slightly away from the Town Center, we made use of the Hotel's transport arrangements to move around. The shuttle service is complimentary and we visited the town using this service. The staff are very polite and efficient - they have gone out of their way to assist us. We even had breakfast at a very early hour as our flight was arranged for 6.00 am. I would not say they are knowledgeable of the sights and amenities around but this could be a case of miscommunication as our languages differ - Bahasa Melayu vs Indonesian.

  • Dulkifli Atrawi

    Dulkifli Atrawi


    Had a memorable pleasant experience during my stay 3-night last week! Breakfast was great and the service excellent. However, as I frequent the gym I feel that it could be better placed or the area redesigned. Given that adjacent spa entrance is extremely close to the gym area, spa visitors and staff have to walk through the gym and may put themselves at risk when free-weights gym users are actively engaged.

  • George Strnad

    George Strnad


    Please do not believe the fake 4.5 star rating. The people are nice but the place is old. Restaurant doesn’t turn in A/C, Rooms have mold as seen In pic. Floors are NOT vacuumed in hallways let alone rooms. Menu looks nice but resulting food is far from that. One room had a huge clump of hair on Floor. Staff is very nice and accommodating. Beware of fake ratings.

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