Amaris Hotel Diponegoro i Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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IndonesienAmaris Hotel Diponegoro


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87, Jalan Pangeran Diponegoro, 55231, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 274 545999
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Latitude: -7.7832719, Longitude: 110.3628899

kommentar 5

  • en

    tobi as


    Quite love this hotel. The room was ok. But the breakfast menu always the same And they make omellette like they were making scrambled egg. 🍳 ~ the texture is ok ~ the look is a bit messy ~ it's a little bit tastless So....... i gave it a three star

  • tita hastarita

    tita hastarita


    Great location. Its located nearby important places in jogja so you can go to everywhere easily (malioboro, taman pintar, benteng vrederburg, etc)

  • adipati sangga

    adipati sangga


    I have to spent 150k idr more to early checkin. What a shame. The foods are good. But have small room and quite clean. Inexpensive for traveller. But not recommended for someone who want great hotel.

  • hana raisa

    hana raisa


    The bathroom is very narrow and the position of the sink is unusual. The sink is located outside the bathroom (the distance of the sink to the bed is about 500 meters). I got blanket with stain on the first day. I asked for blanket change on the second day by putting "linen change card" but it's still not replaced. The third day I wrote in a notes to ask them replaced blankets, then it's replaced. All towels in Amaris Diponegoro smell musty, they need to replace all the towels, because the color and smell is not proper. Breakfast taste was good local food. And the location near the Tugu. So basically it's affordable room with breakfast packet, but hotel hygiene MUST be improved again. Thanks for all the friendly staff.

  • Henry Erik Estrada

    Henry Erik Estrada


    Strategic location with competitive price. The Hotel looked small due to located precisely beside the larger and taller Pesonna Hotel. Has basement parking (limited to around 10-11 cars only). Staffs are nice, but some of the facilities need improvement. I stay on Superior room that has Queen Double Bed and 1 couch. The couch already passed the glory days, we used it instead as place to store our stuffs and bags. The room is quote spacious, with large table. The window is small as it is the same with other Amaris. Bathroom is small if compared to the room size, I guess that's why the washing bin is placed in the main room. TV quality is bad, sometime the image quality is not good, the channel also limited. Breakfast is so-so with menu practically almost the same everyday. The dining room is small, so prepare to queue for empty table.

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