Amaris Hotel Cimanuk i Jawa Barat

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IndonesienAmaris Hotel Cimanuk


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14, Jalan Cimanuk, 40115, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 22 4209985
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Latitude: -6.9043616, Longitude: 107.620704

kommentar 5

  • Medio Venda mario

    Medio Venda mario


    It's an ok hotel in my opinion. The bed was comfy, the hot shower works, the aircon was cold, the breakfast was tasty, there is an in-room safe deposit box as well, and it's located perfectly around good cafes and restaurants, which I believe becoming the factor of why it's slightly expensive for a compact size room (if not to mentioned a small size). Its parking lot was limited. It has a kid's pool near the restaurant. The restaurant it self quite small, can occupied around 30 guests only during the breakfast. The breakfast option was also limited, but its taste was good. They had 1 small elevator that can be occupied up to 8 persons, an the rest may climb up to the 3rd floor by the stairway. There was also small flat screen TV with (maybe around) 14" size and broadcast international channels.

  • en

    Stefenson Alfa Tetelepta


    The place is a bit old, but the services, especially the breakfast buffet is tasty, please pass my compliment to the chefs..

  • Afandy Hajier Razak

    Afandy Hajier Razak


    good services, cozy room, good price and strategic location

  • en

    Hendra Susilo


    nice little sweet room. kind nice break fast.....they got clean toilet,

  • Adrian Soerjana

    Adrian Soerjana


    Fairly good and clean budget hotel with an awesome strategic location

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