3tranches Home SCBD i Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

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Indonesien3tranches Home SCBD



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12, Jalan Tulodong Bawah VIII, 12190, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 811-9858-878
internet side: www.3tranches.com
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Latitude: -6.228236, Longitude: 106.811034

kommentar 5

  • en

    Zetira Kania


    Not a really comfortable place. The room at first floor is so stinky and not a free smoking area. Highly not recommended for people who are not comfortable with smoke.

  • Angry Magpie

    Angry Magpie


    The place is not bad. Small and a bit pricy. But the guest house is sandwiched between a construction site and a mosque... unless you are able to find peace in the constant banging and the five times per day calls for prayer.... avoid this place

  • Ayesha T Sari

    Ayesha T Sari


    just recently moved to this "kost" place. # monthly payment - count from the day you check in. # it has 4 floors. # 4 rooms on the 1st floor. # 8 rooms on the 2nd floor and 3rd floor. # 4 rooms on the 4th floor. # the wardrobe and the desk are attached to the wall. # can't move any furniture. # typical compact room. # the room is not too big - it's okay for me because it helps me to keep it neat and tidy all the time. # there is a shorcut access next to the building to reach the main road. # 5mins walk to Equity Tower # less than 10mins walk to Pasific Place # less than 10mins walk to Electronic City # less than 15mins walk to Grand Lucky Supermarket # there is a cheap foodcourt (warung makan) on the Lot8 parking space area. (+) Air conditioner (+) wi-fi with good speed. 2 routers on each floor. (+) 32 inch LED TV with tv cable service. (+) bathroom with shower and hot water (250W electric water heater). (+) monday to saturday laundry pick up - the laundry will be delivered back to your door after 2 days. (+) once a week, the watchman will clean your room. (+) once a month the watchman will change the bed sheet, pillow sheet, bolster sheet, and blanket. (+) kitchen and its tools that can be used together. you just need to maintain its cleanliness. (+) water dispenser on each floor. (+) next to mosque yet not too noisy and loud during adzan time. (+) the place is easy to find and already registered on google maps so if you order the online transportation like gojek,grab,uber etc, it will be easier for your driver to pick you up. (-) no inside parking for car, only for motorcycle. however you can park your car on the road in front of the building. (-) excl. electricity. each room has its own prepaid electricity meter device and the watchman will tell you if it's time to reload. (-) kinda hard to find space in the shared fridge. (-) transparent/see-through window. (-) no exhaust fan in the bathroom. (-) the wardrobe has 3 levels (1 hanging space and 2 racks) and 1 drawer. i prefer to have bigger racks space instead of 1 wider hanging space. (-) some of the neighbour don't really maintain the aisle cleanliness. too much messy shoes.

  • Jason Daniels

    Jason Daniels


    Nice, clean and brand new. And great location.

  • Bobby Kole

    Bobby Kole


    Great "kost", room for rent. Newly built and with excellent amenities. Flatscreen TV gets all flavors of HBO. WiFi is decent. Laundry is done for you everyday. Rooftop has excellent views. Very nice location. Quiet street, yet steps from the heart of SCBD.

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