VIP Money Changer i Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

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IndonesienVIP Money Changer



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23, Jalan Menteng Raya, 10340, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 21 31907777
internet side:
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Latitude: -6.1849054, Longitude: 106.835977

kommentar 5

  • Hushy Max

    Hushy Max


    Rame bgt, antri 2jam ternyt valasnya blm ada sementara uda disuruh bayar dulu dimuka. Cape n buang waktu bgt cm beda kurs sedikit doang sm yg laen. Ga worth it.

  • Albert Kristian

    Albert Kristian


    The exchange rate is great, although it is not the best. Still can't find the money changer that can beat the money changer in Citraland mall. Many counters to serve the customers. Need to do the ebanking remittance in front of the teller when you are doing the transaction.

  • Sapiderman Lumpat

    Sapiderman Lumpat


    Some of the best rates, but also some of the longest queues on the planet. Lots of tellers though, so keeps moving. Also some of the better exchange services. Parking : 3/5 limited (paid) parking for cars on the grounds Facilities : 2/5 not enough seats for those waiting

  • Swastu Puri

    Swastu Puri


    Great price, be careful the price may change in the morning and in the afternoon, so keep checking the web to keep the update. Upon arrival you'll get ticket number, it's separated between 1000 USD or more than 1000 USD. They'll ask you how much you need then you need to wait again to complete the payment. The great things here, they have several payment options such as debit card (many other money changers only receive cash). My friend got old JPY here and when we're arrived at Japan, the cashiers're confused but it still can be used though, so no worries.

  • Thyas Pramesthi

    Thyas Pramesthi


    This is my favourite place of money changer. They offer the very best price. But you should come here very early in the morning unless you wanna queue for a long time.

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