The Sunan Hotel i Jawa Tengah

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienThe Sunan Hotel


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40, Jalan Ahmad Yani, 57143, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 271 731312
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Latitude: -7.5573252, Longitude: 110.794305

kommentar 5

  • Yonny Septian

    Yonny Septian


    Nice room. However be prepared for any wedding event held at the lobby. It's crowded.

  • Terry Tery

    Terry Tery


    Resto nya enakkk chinese food nyaa

  • en

    Allita Yosephine


    Clean and comfortable room. Kind staffs. The food taste is good enough. But the hotel bar was too quiet when i was there.

  • Harry Dahlan

    Harry Dahlan


    Old hotel with newly renovated furniture, very clean and smells really good. Extremely friendly staff. You can ask concierge for tourist information around city, and they can give you a free ride to local souvenir shop. Love the food, breakfast food variety much better from 4 stars hotel. I had a very good stay

  • diebachtiar



    The Sunan Hotel is located a bit further from the city and public attractions and places in Solo, yet its good service and room satisfied us. It has Olympics size swimming pool, children sized pool, and baby pool. As we went there during the long weekend, the hotel rooms are quite full and thus the food was mostly finished during breakfast. We had to wait for quite some times for the food to be added. Also, towels were not available after the room was made up and the house keepings mentioned that they had delay and problems in delivering those. Hopefully they cab improve their service in being fast and responsive.

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