The Dharmawangsa i Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienThe Dharmawangsa


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Jalan Brawijaya Raya No.26, RT.1/RW.2, Pulo, Kebayoran Baru, RT.1/RW.2, Pulo, Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12160, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 21 7258181
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Latitude: -6.253193, Longitude: 106.8050592

kommentar 5

  • Retno Ambarwati

    Retno Ambarwati


    Very Indonesia! The ambience is all Indonesian style with a lot of wood for furniture. Very soothing and calm hotel. With "kecapi and suling" Sundanese traditional music playing at the lounge.

  • Eden Cheok

    Eden Cheok


    Room is huge and spacious, 2 basins, a big bathtub that fits 2, separated shower and toilet facilities with choices for cold to warm to hot water. Breakfast menu is quite limited but still reasonable with a few local delicacies spread. Staffs are extremely friendly and helpful, always puts a smile across their face. Staff service is great, greatly recommend this hotel for families, couples or singles, vacation or business trips.

  • vincentius stevano

    vincentius stevano


    Good clasic style hotel with premium service in south jakarta. It has good food too

  • Rio Adjiputra

    Rio Adjiputra


    Ultra nice hotel in a leafy neighborhood. What makes it 'ultra'? 1. Tasty food with great array of meals and cuisines, 2. Unbeatable ambience and friendly gesture from the staff, 3. Well-maintained property, 4. Very authentic, elegant hotel.

  • en

    Patrick Nangoy


    Great swimming pool and pleasant atmosphere. Recommended for middle class tourist. It is cozy and comfortable. The food is relatively moderate (not too cheap and not too expensive). The food is great and tasteful. I suggest you to make a reservation beforehand, because the hotel often fully packed at holidays. The entrance is easy to find.

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