Swiss-Belhotel Ambon i Maluku

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienSwiss-Belhotel Ambon



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No.88, Jalan Benteng Kapaha, 97124, Kota Ambon, Maluku, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 911 322888
internet side:
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Latitude: -3.69471, Longitude: 128.185455

kommentar 5

  • bayu akbar

    bayu akbar


    Comfortable hotel with a good food for breakfast although not as good as other swiss-Belhotel.

  • citra kastelinobanu

    citra kastelinobanu


    Nice bed, clean, spacious room and bath room, 4 days stay, no bathroom rug, we can borrow iron for free, breakfast so so,

  • en

    Winson Ho


    Had a great experience staying in this hotel! Staff were friendly and helpful. Would recommend people to stay here for its convenience and worry free accommodation!

  • en

    Rod Carkett


    Best hotels in town. Good food at reasonable prices. Friendly and very helpful staff, once you have their attention. Variable levels of English spoken can lead to some amusing interactions. Public lobby areas a bit limited and can get a bit crowded. Excellent live music and singing in bar in evening. Rooms good, bathrooms perhaps a bit on the small side but everything clean and well maintained. Breakfast buffet largely local food but surprisingly extensive and good quality. Recommended

  • Philip Carter

    Philip Carter


    Our booking was "cancelled" - did not exist on arrival but for an extra fee we could upgrade to a more expensive room. (In other words they accepted that they had already taken payment for the room). No explanation but obviously the conference going on in town made things busy and they realized they could make a few extra bucks by this method. The room we ended up in was twin instead of double and smelled of cigarette smoke. Makes you wonder what the cheaper room was like.

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