Stasiun Kertapati i Sumatera Selatan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienStasiun Kertapati


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Jalan Kemang Kertapati, 30142, Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62
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Latitude: -3.016534, Longitude: 104.7516032

kommentar 5

  • Indera Gunawan

    Indera Gunawan


    The one and only train station in the town.

  • Reza Pahlevi

    Reza Pahlevi


    The only overland train station in Palembang. Keep your belonging on your own, because the area around the station is notoriously famous for its high criminal rate compared to many parts of Palembang.

  • Rezare A

    Rezare A


    Been here to purchase a train ticket for my next day journey to Lubuklinggau Station. As a tourist, I don't know much about getting around by train. Approaching the entrance of the main door, two local men offering his services for a train ticket to my said destination but I refused politely his offer because I had planned to get a detailed information from the station's information office. Both men followed me persistently while offering a train ticket for my destination until I reached the main door of the information counter. From that point onwards, both men back off and sat back on the main step entrance outside chatting with their colleagues. Inside the information counter I was received cordially by two male and two female staff from KAI (Indonesia Railway Authority). I mentioned my intention to see them personally. They are very professional with their job and I am very satisfied with all the answers given to me. One of the senior male staff, I assumed he must be the supervisor at the info counter is well versed with his job dealing with foreign customer like me. Before leaving the info counter, I was asked to give comments on the computer screen in front of the customer's table. Definitely I gave five stars to their services. They gave me such a detailed information about my journey the next day and I left the counter happily feeling confident that I will embark on a pleasant eight hours journey by train to Lubuklinggau tomorrow night. P.S - (For tourist/foreigner) Never deal with unauthorised persons when you wish to buy KAI train ticket. Go direct to the information counter to get more accurate information about your journey.

  • en

    jodoh wasiat bapak


    We Will Go to a lubuklinggau,because we will sleep in lubuklinggau until date 25/12/2017

  • Theresia Djap

    Theresia Djap


    It's nice station but beware it's not safe either. When you alight on this station many of that taxi drivers will shout at your ear, pull your hand, literally force you to ride on their taxi. Why you government allow them to enter station area? They are supposed to wait outside just like one at airport. Cheap action, worst people.

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