Shophaus i Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Jalan Teuku Cik Ditiro No.36, RT.10/RW.5, Menteng, RT.10/RW.5, Menteng, Jakarta, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10310, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 21 22393252
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Latitude: -6.197474, Longitude: 106.836621

kommentar 5

  • Riza Adrian

    Riza Adrian


    Offer various food, services and beverage in one place. Came here for coffee at pigeon hole; the coffee was nice here. Unfortunately, most of the tables (outdoor) wobble on its legs. Very uncomfortable.

  • Nuning Nuenk

    Nuning Nuenk


    I ate avocado flavour, choco chips flavour. I think the taste is delicious. You allowed to taste at least three flavour before you make your final decision. If you like sour food, you can choose berry flavour or other fruits flavour. If you like sweet food, you can choose chocolate, vanila, etc. Or maybe you like to combine sour and sweet flavour. You can get 2 scoops for Rp 35k. Enjoy

  • Welxon Zhuo

    Welxon Zhuo


    This is a whole new concept of commune space that offer various activities and services. There's nail shop for girls and barbershop for men's groom. They got @pigeonhole chapter 2 coffee, @namelaka cakeshop, juice bar, gelato bar, betawi salad, and prime steak with beer. The ambience is very comforting with simply green decoration, plus the air conditionp is sufficiently cooling. The only problem is parking space. In any case, this place must be visited once a day... at least.

  • Maya Soraya

    Maya Soraya


    Great coffee... Yummy ice cream... Perfect place for selfies and chat with beat friend...

  • Cornellia Widiastuti

    Cornellia Widiastuti


    Cute, chic place to hang out that offers health food and snacks (berry well, etc) although it'd be better to have more seats. Paradoxically, I think that's the best point about the space (limited seats = less crowd). On my second visit it's getting harder to find seats. Definitely not a family friendly place even though they do have high chair. Great to visit on weekdays when it's not as packed as weekends.

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