Semarang Poncol i Jawa Tengah

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IndonesienSemarang Poncol


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Jalan Pandanaran, Purwosari, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50172, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62
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Latitude: -6.9728473, Longitude: 110.4147543

kommentar 5

  • en

    bunda iin


    It's a nice railway station where budget trip begins. Closer to many good hotels, shopping malls and off course the Simpang Lima than Tawang railway station

  • Freddy Aldo

    Freddy Aldo


    Poncol railway station is the second largest railway station in semarang. Located near the CBD area. Poncol railway station mainly serves routes to neighboring areas such as Pekalongan, Pemalang, Tegal, Purwokerto, Purwodadi, Cepu, Solo. Poncol railway station also server long haul route such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Malang in Economy Class Services.

  • en

    Okva Harin


    One of the best train station in town, get budget trip here

  • Jefri Tamba

    Jefri Tamba


    I've used Semarang Poncol Station a few times en route to / from Malang. I must say that I'm not a fan of the place at all. I accept that as it's a major terminus in one of the biggest and greatest cities on earth, it's going to be busy, but the way that the station is designed seems to add to the human congestion problem. Also, having had to wait there late at night / early in the morning, the station can be scary for a young woman traveling alone. While there are many amenities, there is a lack of place of places where you can actually sit down. The waiting room is extremely uncomfortable and is something I'd associate more with short distance commuter transit, rather than geared towards passengers making much longer journeys. There is a lack of actual restaurants where you can sit down comfortably and eat. They should also give you more notice of the track # before boarding the train, to avoid the mad /. crazy stampede that sometimes occurs. I was pleased with the PT.KAI customer service though. They are extremely polite and helpful. Also, despite the lack of dining options, I did find one good place to sit down and eat and have a drink. It's a great place to sit and avoid all the chaos while you're waiting for your train. But please renovate this station.

  • hotma manatap

    hotma manatap


    Old architecture combine with modern facility.. with extra keroncong musical. Good for nostalgic

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