Santika Bogor Hotel i Jawa Barat

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IndonesienSantika Bogor Hotel


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Botani Square Bogor, Jl. Raya Pajajaran, Tegallega, Bogor Tengah, Tegallega, Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16127, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 251 8400707
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Latitude: -6.6013778, Longitude: 106.8073795

kommentar 5

  • Heri Hidayat

    Heri Hidayat


    The food was amazing, a lot of choices and good taste. The room is standard but worth with the price. The staff is so helpful. And the last but not least, the hotel's location is very strategic in the cemter of Bogor.

  • Andita Emirania Husain

    Andita Emirania Husain


    Quite good for a 3 star hotel. They even gave us 4 bottles of complimentary bottled water (2 in the bedroom & 2 inside the bathroom). The breakfast menu are also good. It's just that parking space is very limited.

  • en

    cupleess klimis


    Stay here 2 nights for holiday. Check in process was very helpful and very fast. Room size is not very spacious. They have quite a lot TV channel with 2 HBO channel inside which you or your kids can just watching TV all day long. Noisy faucet water in the next room make us a little bit uncomfortable. They really need to improve this matter since I've seen a lot of same concern from another reviewer. The best thing from this hotel is their location which inside the mall then its very easy for you to find some foods, buy some clothes or even just getting the fresh air. The location in front of Bogor Botanical Garden also make this hotel is so perfect. It's just need to walk about 15 minutes to going there. Breakfast is quite good with a lot of variation from local and international menu. Staff are very friendly.

  • en

    Herry Santoso


    Good location because near/at the top of Botani Square and toll road. Good service as Santika standard. The lack is no parking lots, small lobby, room looks old, need renovation. Restaurant so small and crowded when breakfast time. The price is high as 3 star hotel rate.

  • Zhilal El-Furqaan

    Zhilal El-Furqaan


    Delicious food, comfortable place, warm hospitality from the staffs. Santika Hotel always serves with the best quality. This hotel is also good for MICE. The facilities are awesome. There's a pool, restaurant, and many other facilities. Talking about food, the specialty of Santika hotel is always Indonesian authentic cuisine. You can taste various Indonesian menu here. And the taste is wonderful.

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