Regent's Park Hotel i Jawa Timur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienRegent's Park Hotel


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Jalan Jaksa Agung Suprapto No. 12-16, Klojen, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65111, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 341 3633888
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Latitude: -7.9698532, Longitude: 112.6327659

kommentar 5

  • mel liani

    mel liani


    had dinner at the chinese restaurant here.....not so good and pricey, they have live chinese singer on the weekend. i might want to try the japanese restaurant here tho, Sushi Hana

  • Yusep Friya

    Yusep Friya


    This hotel is ok. It is look like an old hotel in town. The lift is old. They still repair another lift. The breakfast was not so many variation on the food (it is only 2 kind of bread). They cook traditional food like nasi goreng, pecel etc. The bad is okey. The bathroom also okey to me. There is hot and cold water for shower. No bathtube. The air con, tv, wifi is okey. Not dissappoint ☺.

  • Rian Herlangga

    Rian Herlangga


    For a 3th star hotel it's surprisingly astonishing design for the room , the facility and food is a little bit disappointing because the facility is not monitorized perfectly so, some are not working anymore but i think it is nice to be here for a time

  • Maria Stefanie

    Maria Stefanie


    Room is quite spacious and lux (for the Deluxe type). But they didn't prepare well for the guest. The air cond in my room was turned off all night long. They turned it on in the morning. The staff were very friendly. The rate per night is worthed anyway but if you book to stay at this hotel, PLEASE make sure your room is WELL prepared.

  • Rishang Asmadi

    Rishang Asmadi


    This place has classic style. Regents Park hotel rated 3 stars hotel. Hotel has good access because at protocol road. Easily noticed from common traffic. Hotel has spacious parking lot, but no roof at parking lot. Not sure this hotel has basement parking. For motorcycle parking at outside hotel zone near to road but security 24 hours watch your vehicles. Hotel entrance has wheelchair access. From hotel to other place not too far, for example

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