Puri Denpasar Hotel Jakarta w Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

IndonezjaPuri Denpasar Hotel Jakarta



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1, Jalan Denpasar Selatan, 12950, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, ID Indonesia
kontakt telefon: +62 21 5275542
strona internetowej: www.puridenpasar.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -6.234813, Longitude: 106.826731

komentarze 5

  • en

    mifta kj


    very nice hotel with international standard. Good service but its very crowded area...

  • Lily Low

    Lily Low


    Just off the main road, a quieter part of Mega Kuningan. Bali, resort style hotel. It has its own restaurant, separate bar & lounge, and a steak and grill restaurant on the premises as well. It's quiet, but the morning prayer call from the nearby mosque will wake you. No amenities nearby, and the immediate area is not pedestrian friendly, you got to cab it GoJek your way around. Room is so so.

  • Wenas Ongkowinoto

    Wenas Ongkowinoto


    Request for new Rooms, won't regret it. Stayed in its biggest suite. 3 Bedrooms, fits 6 Adults with 2 kids. Very near to Lotte Shopping Avenue, 8-10 mins by Taxi.

  • en

    Mel Q


    3 days using the meeting room, the services are great, the hotel crew they are friendly, food at lunch tasted delicious, I like the coffee break snacks they're very tasty. If we look the hotel it just like other common hotel but when you enter it, the atmosphere is so comfy, bali theme is beautiful, picture art and statue very artistic. It's not a big hotel but it's very homy. I'm enjoying it.

  • Desi Triyani

    Desi Triyani


    Been there for the first time, attending seminar and workshop. Nice hotel with baliness style architecture and interior. They served a good food also. Strategic location and just 10 minutes from Mega Kuningan Central Business District. Nice and comfort in the hustle-bustle Jakarta.

najbliższy Kwatera

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