POP! Hotel Tanjung Karang - Lampung i Lampung

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IndonesienPOP! Hotel Tanjung Karang - Lampung



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Jalan Wolter Monginsidi No.56, Tanjung Karang, Tanjung Karang Pusat, Durian Payung, Tj. Karang Pusat, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35214, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 721 241742
internet side: www.pophotels.com
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Latitude: -5.4245103, Longitude: 105.2511711

kommentar 5

  • suci tiara

    suci tiara


    The staffs, especially debbie, are not friendly. Breakfast is not tasty at all. Have to wait for check in until 2 PM

  • Wahyu Asyari Muntoha

    Wahyu Asyari Muntoha


    nice room. quiet place. near from city center. transport with gojek

  • Denny Krisnawan

    Denny Krisnawan


    One of the hotels in Lampung with affordable price. The view from the hotel is quite beautiful, reaching Tanjung Karang area from the heights, it is so beautiful. Friendly service, clean rooms, and spacious parking. Suitable for transit for people traveling. Many places to eat around the hotel, not difficult to find food and drinks, even looking for souvenirs that are located close enough.

  • Pradipta Gora Kusuma

    Pradipta Gora Kusuma


    We stayed at Pop Hotel Tanjung Karang for 5 days. Positive: Price is in budget (+- 300.000 IDR). Negative: Hot (supposed to) water was not hot, flushing system didn't work well, breakfast was very bad, no flavor at all, room was not soundproof (scream from side room could be clearly heared, and check out process took forever also receptionist seemed didnt understand. Overall: Compared to other budget hotel arround 300k, this one needs a lot of improvements.

  • en

    marito panjaitan


    when I stayed there with my family, it was so crowded...a big bus coming. and surely crowded when breakfast time, not recommended hotel, not prepare for lots of people coming, lack of breakfast preparation, lack of hospitality from the staff and the last one : ugly towel (they called it white or what???!!)

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