POP! Hotel i Bali

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienPOP! Hotel


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74, Jalan Teuku Umar, 80113, Kota Denpasar, Bali, ID Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 361 258025
internet side: www.pophotels.com
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Latitude: -8.679716, Longitude: 115.203396

kommentar 5

  • en

    Astri Tyas


    Good service, good price for standart room and unique.

  • Ari Zal

    Ari Zal


    Low budget..it's true! Nice location and friendly staff.

  • Nina Nusada

    Nina Nusada


    The only thing what I don't like is when there are bunch of group staying and they are very loud, noisy and wild like they are living in jungle. I don't know what happened to those people but they act like they are not human. And the bad thing is, the receptionist from the hotel did not do anything and let them wild like that. It's a pity way to make money.

  • Kristanti Care

    Kristanti Care


    Nice hotel with low budgeting. They have special price on some season. The location is very easy to find more over they had eye catching big sign. Around the hotel, you can find any local food with cheap price.

  • en

    Robertus Rahardjo


    Check-in process was awesome. The staff are friendly. But the problem with this hotel is they are not clean. Walk into the room, there were hair in the pillow. Turn the pillow over, there were stains. So not so cool. The aircon is just not cold. But not hot either. But what more can we ask for the price. It is cheap. But As a franchise, Pop should keep it standard.

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