PARK AND RIDE THAMRIN 10 en Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta




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No.10, Jalan M.H. Thamrin, 10340, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, ID Indonesia
contactos teléfono: +62
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: -6.1848375, Longitude: 106.8234446

comentarios 5

  • id

    Sn Jani


    area terbuka ..utk acara outdoor bisa pesan tenda n panggung juga blowers standing.. kapasitas diluar parkiran bisa menampung 1000 org.. tetap mnjaga Kebersihan lingkungan..

  • Iwan Santosa

    Iwan Santosa


    Very Hot

  • Fajar Fajar

    Fajar Fajar


    Great idea concept from the regional government of DKI Jakarta, Huge outdoor area of parking, extra cheap fare just IDR 5.000 all day/one time entry, helping people with office around mh thamrin - sudirman street, bus stop right in front of the entry gate, Careful with your number plat in weekdays make sure it same with the date odd - even system. And make sure your take out your car at least 8PM Hopefully the regional government of DKI Jakarta, create more facilities like this..especially around sudirman street.

  • Antonius Robin

    Antonius Robin


    This is a parking space, or....... a huge land(?) for parking your car. It is located just between Bank Mandiri and Sari Pan Pacific Hotel. It has..... a land................. some posts......... and that’s it. Oh, it has a bus stop in front of the parking space. Don’t expect lavish facilities in this parking space. Because of its size, you need no worries to park. I once joked that you just put your car in drive and let it coast, and done. You can park ultra freely (of course please park properly). So, it’s great if you attend a huge event in a building around Thamrin or even Sudirman, you don’t need to worry about finding a car park. If it’s too far from destination, you can ride online transportation services, taxis, buses, and transjakarta. And the best of all is the price, it’s IDR 5,000/all day. Yes, it’s that cheap!! IDR 5,000 for parking in the city centre of Jakarta for all day If you are an employee working in Bank Mandiri, Sinarmas Land Plaza, or anything nearby and you don’t get a parking facility from your office, this is the cheapest way to get around it. The downsides. First, no shades, make sure you park next to high building like Sari Pan Pacific Hotel to keep your car cool. Second, the location, it may be located in a prime location, but beware! The road to access this parking space is subject to even-odd plate number area between 7 AM - 10 AM and 4 PM - 8 PM. If you are planning to park or exit between 6 AM - 7 AM or 10 AM - 4 PM, no problem. Otherwise, yes. And oh..... this parking space is limited to 8 PM on weekdays. No overnight parking and the schedule is different for weekends. Yes, there are downsides to this parking space but the price..... you can’t just beat the price at IDR 5,000 for a parking space in the city centre of Jakarta for all day. You just can’t beat the value. Yes, you need umbrella if it rains, it is hot during the mid-day, you need to be careful with your number plate, and you need to get out before 8 PM. But, what can you expect more from a parking space that is a fraction of the price for parking in a mall far from the city centre? It’s far from perfect, but it’s cheap and cheerful!

  • Nash



    Good place

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