Marina Hotel i Maluku

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndonesienMarina Hotel


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JL Yan Pays, No. 16, Uritetu, Sirimau, Ambon, Uritetu, Sirimau, Maluku, Indonesia
kontakter telefon: +62 911 348744
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Latitude: -3.6984181, Longitude: 128.1848552

kommentar 5

  • en

    Abe Laksmono


    Good price, good service, strategic locate.. Recommended

  • en

    Debora Widiansa Making


    What i like about this place is it has a large conference room that can be used for meeting.. The building is nice, Eventhough not so luxury.. I also like their services from the front desk, the manager and the staff.. But, the minus for me is the toilet at the first floor near the meeting room. There is no separation between man and woman, the area is quite small and a little bit unclean for me so its so inconvenience for someone to use the toilet.Beside that, at the lobby area you can still find people smoking without hesitation.. So, i am not pleased about that perhaps the management can do something about it, since we already have the government regulation about smoking in public.. For the food, nice, i like the food served here..Oh, btw, this hotel also have a small coffe shop at the balcony at first floor,nice spot to enjoy atmosphere of this city and see people doing their bussiness..

  • adhy rara

    adhy rara


    Burger.a the best

  • en

    timothy santoso


    Nice convenient place to stay. Centrally located in the mid town of ambon city, spacious room, food was quite nice. The dialooq cafe at the lobby is pretty cozy. But the bad things,they don't really maintain all the stuffs well and tidy, so it was messy in their construction finishing,yet, the floors at the 6th floor. Moreover, the room is a bit dusty. I even found a small cockroach in my bathroom..

  • en

    M Syahrir Hariman


    We need more good service all

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